Sadtk's Furniture

The Urban Collection at Sadtk's Furniture

Click here to visit the The Urban Collection Website
We encompass three categories of custom, quality, solid wood furniture: Urban Lifestyle bedroom, Urban Retreat occasional and Urban Select home office and media. We have created a marriage of century-old woodworking and finishing techniques with easy customization of wood species, color and size.

About The Urban Collections
With pride, each design is examined and crafted for you. We bring the newest looks for today’s smaller, quality-driven, energy-efficient homes – no longer the "Mini Mansions" of recent past. We know that modern Americans want their homes to be a refuge from hectic schedules that modern lifestyles demand.

Up-to-the-second technology has given us Facebook, e-mail and texting. It seems like so many people are speeding around at a record pace. Quality has been replaced by multitasking and compromise. Sometimes our treasures like faith, family, friends, good food, long conversations and appreciation of quality are right in front of us. The Urban Collections is not about compromise; it is about getting exactly what you want. We give you quality and choice.

Quality Drives Our Mission
The quality has been taken care of because this is the only way we know how to make furniture, the right way. We make this furniture by hand, and we use solid woods, old fashioned joinery and have the best catalyzed finish in the furniture industry.

We say that the Urban Collections has 10 reasons why our quality is unmatched.

Amazing Choice
Choose the species of wood. Choose the finish. Choose if you want it distressed or not distressed. Choose your hardware. Choose the size, or give us a custom size and we will make it for you.

At Urban Collections we want to help make your home a refuge from all the confusion by giving you exactly what you want: quality and choice.