Coby Electronics at Merlins TV

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Coby Electronics Corporation was founded in 1991. COBY has steadily expanded its sales and distribution operations globally, with manufacturing and/or sales sister operations in Canada, Mexico, Latin America and Hong Kong supplying products needed to support COBY's global sales and distribution operations.

The Company's corporate objective is to provide value to consumers at all levels of income and status, and its corporate vision can be summed up by the phrase "Our World, Coby in Every Home".

The current core product lines for COBY are based on LCD panel technology, such as LCD TV's, digital photo frames, portable DVD players, and MP4 players. A future product direction, based on the natural progression of COBY's expertise in LCD technologies, is the emerging product category known as "Netbooks". But in addition to LCD products, COBY offers over 250 different audio and video products from twenty (20) different CE categories.